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year 2000 info

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InBus Engineering Inc. will transfer the following formats to IBM-PC 3½" floppies:

Source Media:

  • ISIS II, ISIS III, MDS-800 (ISIS format)
  • NDX (Series IV, NRM format)
  • RMX 86, 286, 386
  • PDS

Destination Media:
• IBM 3½" PC DOS 1.44MB ONLY
Pricing is $300.00 per disk with a minimum charge of $600.00 (assuming a disk free of defects; see below for more information).

Special Considerations:

  • Packaging - Both source and destination media should be packed in sealed, anti-static material.
  • Source Media Errors - Consignee will be contacted if any media errors are found on any source disks. Recovery attempts can be made by using a low-level disk editor and will cost an extra $300.00 per hour.
  • NOTE: ABSOLUTELY NO GUARANTEES are made that the data will be recoverable or that the media will not be made worse in the attempt.
  • *** ALL DISK TRANSFERS MUST BE PREPAID.*** (we accept a company check, money order, a VISA number, or a MasterCard number for prepayment, )
  • All source media must be NUMBERED.
  • All destination media must be FORMATTED. Destination media must also be NUMBERED to correspond with the source media labels.
  • We remove any write-enable tabs from 8" disks, and add write-protect tabs on 5¾" disks. This will help ensure that no data is accidentally written to or deleted from the original source media.
  • When tranfer is complete, the consignee's source media will not be returned until consignee has received the newly transferred destination media. This will guarantee that any lost shipments will not cause the loss of one-of-a-kind masters.
  • Shipping is done only through Federal Express and all transfers must include FedX account number or prepaid return shipping.
  • A contact sheet must be included, containing names and phone numbers, for conversion inquiries.
  • These Terms are not negotiable.


copyright 1998